Monday, June 1, 2015

Bulb Photography

F/ 22.0  shutter speed-22.0   iso-200
f/16.0   shutter speed-17.0    iso-200

The bulb light looks like this because i was holding the shutter speed and the shutter speed was very slow therefor it stretched The project The light on the top was held for longer than the light from the bottom, you can tell because there is more detail in the one on top its suppose to look like a face.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Light Box

 This is a good picture because the red background really brings out the brown necklace.
This picture is bad because the bottle is clear and bright and the background is white so it doesn't focus on the object

The light box makes whatever object you are capturing look bright and clear.  The whole point of the light box is too focus on the object this picture of mr billy is clear and it is focussed.

Monday, May 4, 2015

More That Meets the Eye

f/ 5.3   1/13    iso-1600

This is a good picture because you can see the shape in her pupil.

The lighting is very bright and clear so you can see everything.

I am close to her eyes so you can actually see the object or shape reflecting off from the light.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


F/ 4.2

I felt that it made it a better picture, and thatit enhanced the  background.  Even tho the lighting isnt all that bright the picture is still clear and you can see it. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Shutter Speed 3

F/3.8   1/1000  ISO 360
F/3.8    1/1000    ISO 360

It took a while for me to capture a decent picture of zinab in the air as i had it in shutter speed mode. But it also took a lot of pictures of her but i chose the one of her in the air and it was a very clear picture.